Fire can cleans the old so new can grow

Cleansing Flame (Rekindled Flame #2)

by Andrew Grey



Mr. Grey has done it again, created a book so deeply emotional that you cannot put it down. The characters in this book are flawed, battle scared, and dealing with their own person demons, but they are so for each other and together.

While looking for records of his Great-great-Uncle in the Native American school Lawson a man that is externally what his type, then later he sees him a fire as Dayne’s house burns to the ground. He offers his house as place to stay while Dayne get’s back on his feet. Dayne is doing a paper for college on the Native American school, and in a series of journals written by one of the young warriors attending Dayne finds his theme and they find a love story that propels their own feelings further.

Mr. Grey wraps you up in the rainbow emotions of two men falling in love. I love this book, five stars and a must read to anyone who loves a good will make you cry, gasp, and laugh novel. Thank you for continuing to share your world with us, Mr. Grey.

About lyssareviews

I am a single, pagan female who loves the written word. I am doing reviews on books to feed my reading habit. I will post those reviews here. I also love movies, TV shows, and laughing with my friends. I love to cochet. Also I have one cat, Miss Dottie.

Posted on 2017/07/16, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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